Do you think YOUR winter was bad?

It’s official. My home town has experienced the worst winter in over a hundred years, according to our local newspaper.

Our front sidewalk, April 5th, 2014

Our front sidewalk, April 5th, 2014

The Winnipeg Free Press quotes the national meteorologist, Dave Phillips, who says, “Nobody alive can say they’ve had it colder in Winnipeg . . . The story about this winter was the relentlessness of it. There was really no break. It was from the get-go. Even October was a half-degree colder than normal. Nobody had the look and feel of winter more than Winnipeg,” he said. “So if we award the prize for citizens who’ve endured the toughest winter, I think you guys would win gold.”

Another view from our front window.

Another view from our front window.

There were days when we were colder than Syberia and even Mars! To read more about our record-breaking cold and snowfall, follow the link above.

Our back deck. For reference, our fence is 6 feet high.

Our back deck. For reference, our fence is 6 feet high.

And it’s not over, yet. We still have several feet of snow in our yard and had a few more inches fall yesterday. While we weren’t hit as hard as North Dakota & Minnesota to the south of us, or even east of us over the past few days, we are dreading what will happen when all that snow melts. With the Red River bringing in all that additional snow form down south, it’s anyone’s guess as to how high the flood levels will get. Our only consolation is the fact that the Floodway was recently expanded to hold more water, so the city itself should not be affected by floodwaters as much as the outlying areas.

Our back yard, with our trailer buried in the snow.

Our back yard, with our trailer buried in the snow.

However, the frost has dug so deeply this winter that thousands of Winnipeggers have experienced frozen water pipes. As of yesterday, according to the Free Press, 2, 359 properties have been affected. “While the city has been successful in thawing some lines, it can’t keep up.” There are still 1, 363 property owners who are on the waiting list. Most of those live in older neighbourhoods where pipes were laid closer to the surface. Fortunately, our neighbourhood is only about 30 years old.

In the Free Press article it states, “Even with warmer weather, the ground remains frozen and properties will be at risk of frozen lines until late May or early June.” Those affected have been asked to keep their water running 24/7 until the ground thaws to avoid pipes being damaged by frozen water. Their water bills will supposedly be ‘adjusted’ once the crisis is over.

Oh, in case you were wondering if I took the photos above during mid-winter, be assured, they were taken from my windows a few moments before posting this. While some snow has melted since mid-winter, all this still remains – and it’s already April 5th! Is there any wonder why I haven’t felt much like blogging? 😦

So, tell me about YOUR winter.

20 comments on “Do you think YOUR winter was bad?

  1. Sure, I could go on about this being the seventh biggest snowfall on record ever measured in New York, with twice as much total snowfall as we get on average. And maybe I can go on about the “Polar Vortex” and the number of below-0 Fahrenheit wind chills here.

    However, one of the few things my parents told me that I ever listened to was, never complain about your winter to someone from north of the border, so I’m keeping my mouth shut…

    • Hahaha! Thanks for putting my complaints in perspective, JD. I know there has been record snowfalls all over the place and Wpg is just one of the many locations experiencing extreme cold and more snow than ‘normal’. Hope your weather did not affect you too adversely. 🙂

  2. Good heavens, you poor things. It’s lovely to have snow and cold in its turn but when it goes on and on it is really wearing and I do feel for those people with frozen water pipes and there is such a risk of a burst when that happens isn’t there. I do hope things improve for you soon.

  3. You should see my Winnipeg back yard. We have a lot of trees and shady areas so we have areas by the fences that are at still 5 feet deep. I wonder when the tulips will finally poke through?

    • I have no idea, Linda, when we will finally see tulips! However, in an effort to brighten up day, my Tai Chi instructor brought in tulips, yesterday, to give to each of us. I doubt they came from here, though, unless from a greenhouse! Thanks for commenting. 🙂

  4. OMGosh! I fee so bad for all of you up north and in the northeast. You’re right. The snow has been relentless. May it melt slowly so you don’t have horrible flooding.

  5. How distressful, and now unpredictable. I hope the masses of snow in Winnipeg melt slowly. We had only one extreme in the UK. Endless rain caused rivers to swell and valleys to flood.
    Sending you cheers from the first tulip in my garden that revealed its colour today.

  6. You’re absolutely right. This winter for all of you out there has been horrible! Even a few friends of mine who live in Alberta were commenting on their -50 degree weather during their cold snaps (regular was -30 or -40). It’s absolutely crazy the amount of snow you all got! We have absolutely no reason to complain out here in Vancouver… the weather has been warm in comparison. We got one week of actual snow and the rest has been rain or sun.

    Anyway, I hope your winter ends soon and you can get into the balmy weather of spring!

    • Thanks, Cheri! I know you’ve had a much milder winter. I get reports (and gloating) from my brother in Victoria. A month ago he told me all about the yard work he had to do, now that the grass was growing and flowers blooming. 🙂

    • I think living in the desert would make a nice change, especially after this past winter. However, I think living all my life up north has acclimated me to the cold, to a certain extent. The desert heat would probably be too overwhelming in the summers. Enjoy the warm dry air and don’t be surprised if I show up on your doorstep, if we get another winter like this one! lol

  7. Yep, your winter wins. I was just excited to see snow at all in Winter when I moved to Sweden mid-January, as I had never seen snow in January (that I can remember). Apart from the shock of leaving Australia at the height of summer, I liked the snow for the whole 3 weeks it hung around – turns out I got here for the warmest winter on record. It’s been a super warm spring too. It’s weird. I swear I intended on leaving the heat in Australia…
    Anyway I hope you don’t ever have to go through a winter like that again in a hurry, sounds and looks dreadful. If all else fails move to Australia, I promise you you’ll never see snow there (unless you move to the Snowy Mountains, the only place in the country to get snow every winter)..

    • I’m sure it must have been exciting to see snow for the first time, although it does tend to ‘get old’ pretty quickly. There was a FB joke going around about a guy who moved to Winnipeg from a warm climate who embraced the first snowfall, shoveling out his sidewalk and driveway with enthusiasm, but was soon cursing the snowplow that would create huge ridges right after he’d finished shoveling for the twentieth time. That’s our winter times a thousand! lol
      Yes, Australia is definitely on my wish list to visit. I did spend a couple of Christmases in warm climates and it was weird not to see snow. That’s actually the only time of the year I LIKE to see snow. 🙂

      • Hahaha yeah I imagine that level of snow would get infuriating really fast. My admiration for snow was tainted when I realised I had never had to walk on ice. I was like Bambi, it was terrible. It took me half an hour to walk a kilometre, I was so slow. It’s just a skill most Swedish people are born with but I’d never had to deal with before, so I had no idea how to manoeuvre the ice on a muscular level even.
        I’ve got to admit, the hot Christmases always felt weird for me in Australia. Always. 😛

      • They make ice grips for shoes that help with traction. As I get older, it’s getting harder for me to feel safe when walking on ice, especially after falling a few years ago and spraining my ankle. Here, they do spray salt and gravel to break down icy spots on roads and sidewalks, and there is a fleet of snow clearing machines that is supposed to take care of the streets after a heavy snowfall, but the service seems to get worse every year.

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