Vulture – cover reveal

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to do a Crafty Wednesday post, yesterday. I worked all day, made dinner then headed out to speak to a Pathfinder group about my books and didn’t get home until nearly bed time. I hope that today’s post will make up for it by showing off some wonderful art work.

A few weeks ago I wrote a review for Surrender, the first of The Ferryman and the Flame series. If you forgot what it was about, or haven’t yet read the review, you can find it here and you can find my interview with the author, Rhi Paille here.

Now, I am excited to share with you the cover reveal for her latest book in The Ferryman and the Flame series – Vulture. Here it is:


On Facebook, Rhi displayed the full wrap cover:

Aren’t they awesome? Credit goes to Regina Wamba of Mae 1 Design.

I think she did a fabulous job, don’t you? 🙂