Wanted: Sunday Interviews

One of the reasons there have been very few Sunday Interviews in the past month or so is because I haven’t had anyone to interview. I’ve put feelers out there and invitations to be interviewed on this blog, but some either haven’t responded or haven’t had the time to answer questions.

I do have a couple of interviews being prepared, one that will be posted next week at her request and one who needs to work out some glitches before post time. In the meantime, I want to extend an open invitation to anyone interested in getting exposure for their writing. If YOU want to be interviewed, please express this desire in the comments section and we’ll talk – or at least communicate through emails. πŸ™‚

Wanted: Scary Stories

Calling all writers who like to write scary stories, whether for the YA or Adult markets, whether self-published or published traditionally or even if you are still waiting for the right publishing opportunity. I have a new and exciting proposition for all of you.Β For the month of October I’d like to feature you on my blog. If you have a freaky story to tell, or a ghost-riddled poem or the excerpt of a horror novel that you would like to share with the world, you can send me a link to your blog, or if you don’t have a blog and still want to participate, I will post it on my blog for you.

If you’ve read a scary story and want to write a review about it, you can share it here, too, either by linking it or posting it here.

Oh, and if anyone has any scary artwork you’d like to put out into the world, I’d love to help you share that, too. πŸ™‚

If you write about ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves, or anything else that will scare the pants off a reader and want to be interviewed, let me know in the Comments section. I will get in touch with you and send you some questions to answer.

In addition, I will also post some info about my writer’s group. We’ve all written scary stories at one time or another, some scarier than others, so it is with great pleasure that I introduce this fantastic bunch of authors to you.

I’ll start by saying that we are, literarily speaking, Off The Wall. We have self-published two chapbooks (anthologies) that were sold at our local McNally Robinson Booksellers under that label. One was called ‘Sex, Death and Grain Elevators‘ because we were told than any story told about the prairies had to have these three elements in it. The other was called ‘Where In The World Is Carman, Manitoba?‘ because it came out about the same time as the kid show, ‘Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiago?‘ There have also been UFO sightings near Carman, Manitoba, so we thought it appropriate, since my story was about UFOs and aliens that we used that title.

So, dig into your archives, put on your thinking caps, drop me a line or two and let’s make THIS October the scariest yet! πŸ™‚